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Apr 28, 2016

There are so many good ideas out in the marketplace that has the potential to grow your entrepreneurial venture. However, the idea that causes the less stress and produces the best results is the "Right" idea. Listen to our video blog today to dig into this concept. 

Apr 25, 2016

If you don't have passion for the thing God has called you to do, then you aren't going to be successful in. Passion is a tangible expression of Faith and it allows you to overcome challenges and setbacks. 

Apr 18, 2016

If you are married, God has given you two calling: marriage and entrepreneurship. These two callings can be in conflict at times, but we must overcome this conflict.  Listen to today's podcast to learn how to negotiate between these two callings.

Apr 15, 2016

When family and friends see you working hard at your calling, but they don't see any results they may give you the advice to quit. The reason they say this is because they don't have the Faith to handle the challenge of your calling.

Everyone's calling is filled with challenges, ups, and downs, and it requires Faith to...

Apr 14, 2016

Don't let the problems someone else is having walking out their calling cause you to stumble in your calling. You don't have the grace or anointing to handle someone else's problems, but you do for yours.